Is it the only openly gay player in professional baseball and he happens to be a very talented country artist in Nashville. He just released his debut album Left Field and he founded his first of its kind charity, Proud to Be in Baseball, which supports and encourages LGBTQ youth in the sport.
Sue Bonzell
He’s the only active professional baseball player who is openly out. And he happens to be an amazing songwriter here in Nashville. Brian rupees here. Welcome, Brian.
Bryan Ruby
Thank you. Thanks for having me. I’m
Sue Bonzell
so glad you’re here. Now. Okay, first of all, I love your hair. Like I feel like I’m trying to like get to get the thing going with the hair. Yeah. How long has it been? Since you’ve like cut your hair? Like when was last time it was like short.
Bryan Ruby
It’s been about three and a half years. So but the reason was, so I had a buzz cut my whole life okay, up until like three years ago, like grade like level one really Supercuts day Yeah, and and then I decided I was just gonna grow it out like a little bit and I started hitting better and baseball. And then a little more and I sitting better and figured like was superstitions baseball players, I had to do it
Sue Bonzell
and how long is it gonna get?
Bryan Ruby
As long as it needs to get longer
Sue Bonzell
To keep getting hits? Right. I love that. So we as we mentioned, as I mentioned their baseball player. Okay, so we got to we had a lot to talk about here. Baseball what’s what’s the team? Tell me about how long have you been playing baseball and all that.
Bryan Ruby
So I’ve been playing since I was like six or seven years old. I play third base switch hitter. So I’ve been super blessed. I’m 26 and still going crazy. I grew up, you know, dreaming of being a major league baseball player. And just like anybody, you know, I’m still going I’ve played in six different countries overseas and 19 states to date in the US. And still still swinging.
Sue Bonzell
So well. That is awesome. So now Okay, so we had somebody actually sent in a question, which was kind of like, who’s your who’s your hero that you follow? And maybe we can ask that on a broader level and then also from a baseball standpoint, too, because I’m sure you probably have your favorites, right.
Bryan Ruby
Yeah. Growing up, I was a big Phillies fan. So I like Jim told me and Chase Utley. As my favorite ballplayers. Okay. And then recently, it’s been Billy Beane, who has been a mentor for me, but in music My hero is. Well, Shane McAnally
Sue Bonzell
he’s such a talented songwriter. Yeah, he’s one of those that if you guys don’t know who Shane McAnally is, go look him up. Because he’s written songs for like, every one. Yeah, every one he is
Bryan Ruby
he was really cool to like, I didn’t know who he was. I didn’t know. I was always a country music fan. Right. But I didn’t know that you could, there was actually a thing called a songwriter. Like, I just listened to the radio like any other person. And I found out that there was these people who lived in Nashville called Song write songs for everybody. Yeah. And like, I decided, wow, that’s one day, I’m gonna just do it. And I, I read this article by Shane. And that was really what convinced me that like, somebody like me, could do it because he’s living his life and, you know, having tremendous success. I like, tape that article above my desk and just started writing a bunch of bad songs. And now they’re slightly less bad, right?
Sue Bonzell
They keep getting better. It’s like baseball. Right? Yeah, you gotta keep doing it. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Now, okay, so I mentioned in the beginning, you are, you know, openly out? How was all of that going for you? I know, that must have been a hard transition. Yeah, talk about that.
Bryan Ruby
It was definitely something that I didn’t think I would ever to. Just grown up as, like a gay kid. Thinking that like, you know, if I ever tell anybody, I’m never going to be able to play baseball again. I’m never going to be able to sing country music because that’s what I love. Right? And, but actually, since since I officially came out publicly, people have been super supportive. And like, it’s even given people like a window into what I do. So now people are even more interested, like, how are you doing at baseball? How are you doing? What songs are you singing? So it’s, it’s been a blessing and like, it’s like that Luke Bryan song most people are good, like, people don’t. People don’t care. And they’re if anything, they’re like, intrigued. Yeah. And they’re like, Oh, wow. So So you. So you’re out and proud. And you do play baseball and you do do country music and live here and yeah, that’s, you know, that’s my life. So Well, I
Sue Bonzell
think that’s, I think it’s inspirational. And from that standpoint, I you started a nonprofit that tell us about your nonprofit
Bryan Ruby
did your research. Yeah, so we’re called proud to be in baseball, and we are the first and only nonprofit that supports young kids who are in the LGBT T community who want to play baseball. So we’re just outgoing stadium to stadium this summer baseball stadiums, major league stadiums, minor league stadiums, any other types of fundraising events that we can do to try to raise as much money as possible. While we’re hot while we’re, you know, in the news, and it’s it’s topically, it’s Pride Month, you know, it’s coming up. And it’s been super positive and 100% of the proceeds from my first single, or I’ve already dedicated to the charity.
Sue Bonzell
I love that. I think that’s like I said, that’s very inspirational. And it does, especially for kids who has something that you went through where it’s like, it’s okay, you know, and to be given that freedom to be who you really are. Yeah, I
Bryan Ruby
think I think like, in this day and age, when each of us can pull out our phone and google anything, no kid should ever feel alone, in whatever whoever they are, wherever they live, whatever they do, right? Whether you play baseball, you like country music, or whatever, like so that that’s kind of why we nobody had was really talking about that in baseball, we started to and people have really embraced us good so far. So
Sue Bonzell
I love that well, I’m really glad to hear that you’re doing that. And that’s amazing. From your your single eye. Let’s talk about some of the music. Alright, so you’ve written for several artists here in town. Tell me about kind of your style of songwriting. And what that means.
Bryan Ruby
Yeah, for a couple of years, I’ve just been writing for whoever I can find I go out almost every night to writers rounds, try to meet people ask if they want to write. And I’ve written for a couple guys in Texas, Xavier Joseph, Neil Cooper. And then a few people here as well, Hayden, Joseph and Cassandra, who’s a pop artist. Yeah. So I mean, I, I’ve always been afraid to, like, start releasing music on my own. Because because of my story, and because I feel like, you know, well, are people not gonna like me because of certain things. And I’ve just really shied away from promoting my own stuff. But that’s why I’ve kind of been writing for other people. But I finally decided like, No, you know, this is the type of music that if I would have, you know, what I’m putting out what I’m about to put out this summer, if I would have heard that as a kid. And that positive message like that could have changed my life. Yes. And that’s so that’s kind of what what I’m going to be as an artist, I love it.
Sue Bonzell
So it’s called left field left field EP is coming out in June. So be really excited to, to get that go in. We’re probably pre saving and things like that. Pretty soon, pretty soon pre save is live. Okay, pre saves live, you can do that now. And it’s
Bryan Ruby
just the first single comes out June 8, and then the EP gets rolled out later this summer.
Sue Bonzell
Okay, so, okay. Now, you’re also going to be the subject of a documentary, a full length documentary, tell me about that. And how that came about.
Bryan Ruby
That was also something that I never thought I would have done. If you would have asked me five years ago, when I got a chance to tell him my story publicly. And think about like, the things that really everything I’m doing now, the things that could have helped me if I would have seen it as a kid. Like, if I would have been able to listen to this song to live feel that could have helped me as a kid, if I would have been able to watch the documentary that in as a kid that would have changed my life. And so that’s kind of like, it’s a, it was a mission that came out of nowhere, but it’s something that has really resonated with me is to start doing some of this stuff that I could have helped younger me. And it’s fulfilling to,
Sue Bonzell
and when and so when will that documentary be available for us? So it’s
Bryan Ruby
in production. So actually, they would get mad at me if I told you. I’m not supposed to. Yeah, I’m not supposed to tell you.
Sue Bonzell
Okay, well, we’ll have to have you come back. Yeah. When that comes out, and then we’ll, we’ll have to like, you know, share it with everybody so nobody can see it. Yeah. That’ll be great. Now, I want to have a little bit of fun. Okay, now I understand that you have a killer Australian accent. So we’re gonna need we’re gonna need to verify. This is a killer Australian accent. So go ahead,
Bryan Ruby
down under there. Now the shrimp on the barbie. You just say this because we were just at Outback Steakhouse. So I’m not the one with the best stuff. Well, I don’t know. Yeah, they sit like there’s this one phrase. He’s an island machina. He’s an eating machine. They said,
Sue Bonzell
this is fun. I like doing accents. And thanks to my kids used to like it when I did that. They thought it was Nuts. You put
Bryan Ruby
me on the spot, I’ll work back and then I’ll give you
Sue Bonzell
so now you know what to expect the next time he comes back to the studio. Okay, we’re going to talk about the documentary and we’re going to do some Australian.
Bryan Ruby
The next time I come back the entire interview is in Australian accent. Okay, tire thing. Okay. All right, and we’ll switch to like, British halfway through.
Sue Bonzell
Oh, this will be so okay. I’m gonna have to practice myself. People are gonna be like, who was this guy? He sounds different every time I see you. Um, it’s so weird. Okay, so you. Let’s see, you also love dogs, and you have dogs. Tell us about your puppy dogs.
Bryan Ruby
I have two golden doodles. And growing up, I had a three legged dog. His name was Boomer. And I love dogs. I wish that I could have one like, I’m gonna be hitting the road. And, you know, one day I’m going to one day like the goal is to have a big enough set up like a tour bus where I can bring my dogs on the road. For the gigs, right?
Sue Bonzell
So for now, you might have to get like a purse puppy right for now. Put it on your arm.
Bryan Ruby
I like big dogs so that you can wrestle around with you know, like,
Sue Bonzell
yeah, go Yeah, that’s okay. Well, we’re working on goals. We’re gonna get them a nice RV. You know, the whole bus the whole deal so we can bring the dogs RV hit the road, like four or five dogs? Maybe? What’s your band’s gonna think about that? But you know, you never know. Yeah. One dog
Bryan Ruby
for each member of the band. Exactly. Their support animal. Right? Yeah. Emotional support.
Sue Bonzell
That’s right. That’s right. Well, um, I know that you brought your guitar and you’re willing to play a little song for us today.
Bryan Ruby
Let’s do it.
Sue Bonzell
Okay, when we come back, Brian Ruby’s gonna play a song for us.
Bryan Ruby
I’m Brian Ruby. And this is my new single left field garage sale beat around old guitar. The Louisville Slugger lived in a school yard is that box of 40 fives at your cousin’s house that you turn down cranked up and warm all out is weak enough to snow on Christmas day the last peak kid with a win in play is that first three you can see in the dashboard see carbon buddy change your life gotta be you do what you can don’t miss him and just make him plan he rides in you know the deal best things come out of left field y’all want to play every hockey town give her a dive bar just me and a dream man a little tip jar to the up and plug my microphone in saying brown Ohio and the record man was on and seeing from the hardware the rack and man walks on in got the you can do to camp down mm is just making plans keeping now you know the deal things go bad sayings girl Madeleine Whoa whoa whoa yeah to be to you do watch again. Now Miss and Devon just make him plants keep an eye on the horizon. Do you know the deal? Things go Matt live feed when you do you do what you can you learn from the masses and drink to the winds you know the deal? This thing’s cool man. I feel bad sayings come madlib Thanks girl Madeleine Whoa whoa whoa. Saying sayings come out of left field. Thank you.
Sue Bonzell
That is Brian Ruby’s new song left field. I love it. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. You can get it now. Right
Bryan Ruby
available on all platforms wherever you stream your music. There you go
Sue Bonzell
all platforms. Go get it right now. You ready to play a little game? Let’s do it. Okay, and I think you probably know what game this is.
Bryan Ruby
I’m afraid of what I’m going to pull up.
Sue Bonzell
I’m going to call him he’s a fan of the of the up and country show So he knows see knows what to expect. Yeah. Okay. All right, because we’re all winning. It’s truth or truth. Okay, here we go. Here
Bryan Ruby
we go what is something that no one else knows about you? I love barbecue. i Every place that we stopped like every, if I’m playing a gig if I’m going somewhere for baseball, I always try to stop at the local barbecue restaurant. That’s
Sue Bonzell
good. Yeah. Okay. Do you have a favorite? You found like one that like favorite barbecue where you’re like, that’s the go to that’s the one.
Bryan Ruby
Every time I drive back home to Pennsylvania, I stopped at bonefire Smokehouse in Abingdon, Virginia and they have the best collard greens in the entire world. Okay, and they don’t pay me to say this, but they should.
Sue Bonzell
That’s like genuine a genuine like, Okay,
Bryan Ruby
I’m serious about it.
Sue Bonzell
Okay,make note. If you’re ever out in Virginia, Virginia, you gotta go. Okay, this is good. Any Barbie or you do barbecue at home?
Bryan Ruby
I do. But I’m getting better at it. So I’ll make like a, um, like ribs occasionally. But I need I need a few more years to like really perfect it. Yeah. Well, I
Sue Bonzell
mean, he’s got so many talents. You know, he’s like a professional baseball player, you know, singer songwriter here in Nashville, barbecue extraordinaire,
Bryan Ruby
barbecue want to be?
Sue Bonzell
Well, we’re gonna we’re gonna do amateur. We’re gonna get it on the resume for sure. I think that’s a good idea. All right. Number two, here we go.
Bryan Ruby
What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done? Man? I hate roller coasters. Really? Like I did this. We went to the Six Flags. And the one where it’s like all the loops, and I almost passed out. Yeah, that was like, it freaks me out. So no
Sue Bonzell
more roller coasters for you. Well, I
Bryan Ruby
always get dragged into Oh, okay.
Sue Bonzell
Can’t say No, can’t Yeah. I’m not big on roller coasters myself. I was when I was younger. I’m too old for it. Now. I’m like, I don’t need to be upside down. Yeah, I
Bryan Ruby
feel like my blood going right. Rushing to my head.
Sue Bonzell
But your hair looks really good though. hair looked good. It
Bryan Ruby
was. What was it like a blowout? Or you go to the salon. I had to stop going to the barber shop a couple years ago. Oh, yeah, that was when I really knew like that it was getting logged that had to stop going to barber shop and I had to start going to actual hair place
Sue Bonzell
barbers like get out barbers like now I can see it. Well, whoever you’re going to it looks fabulous. Once again. All right. Well,
Bryan Ruby
here we go. If you met a genie, what would your three wishes be? Oh, man. I would want to I one would probably be like that I could get my three legged dog back. Oh, yeah. I don’t want to get too. He passed away a few years ago. But he was awesome. He was like a call man’s best friend. So that’s, that’s one. Two is that you know, maybe somebody in the in the music industry. Here’s my stuff. And here’s here’s my songs. And here’s my story and knows that.
Whenever it happens, it’s going to happen and I don’t know maybe that they would they would hear my new single.
Sue Bonzell
And that’s gonna happen. Yeah.
Bryan Ruby
And third wish, I guess is just that my brother’s baseball team would win the College World Series this year. Oh. Shout out to University of Virginia baseball. There you
Sue Bonzell
go. Who’s? That is awesome. Okay, those are good wishes. I like that. Yeah. Well, good. So now we know a little bit more about Brian Ruby. Again, make sure you go and download his new song left field. Thank you so much, Brian, for being here.
Bryan Ruby
Thank you. Thanks for having me. Absolutely.
Sue Bonzell
Thanks for watching up in country. Be sure to like and subscribe and leave us a comment. We do new episodes every Tuesday. And be sure to follow up and country on Instagram Tik Tok and Facebook and you can follow me to add Sue Bonzell on Instagram, Facebook and Tik Tok.
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