Country Artist Dane Louis – How Brantley Gilbert Changed His Life
My interview with Dane Louis is nothing less than revealing. We talk about his new single, Whiskey Wears Off (written in just 5 minutes), his gorgeous long locks, the most embarrassing bubble gum pop song that he cranks in his big truck, and Brantley Gilbert’s best advice for being a new artist.
Sue Bonzell
He has a new single and video and an incredible Brantley Gilbert story. I’m excited that Dane Louis is here. Welcome, Dane.
Dane Louis
Hey, thanks for having me, Sue. Appreciate.
Sue Bonzell
It’s nice to see you again. Now we got to meet briefly at the country radio seminar, which was incredible. Yeah.
Dane Louis
My first year I think it was my first year also and it was awesome.
Sue Bonzell
It was it was a good time. We got to see a lot of incredible music and and learn a lot. And of course, we had a great time. I don’t know I think there were some drinks that were passed or something like Oh, no, no, we don’t. Well, you got the new single out. Okay, tell us about the single the video all the things
Dane Louis
Yeah, whiskey wears off. It’s been kind of a fun song for us as a band, you know, we we kind of got one of those anthemic choruses that if a person comes into a show, and they’ve never heard it before, they they wind up by the third chorus, they’re singing along and they know every word. So it’s, it’s been fun for us wrote it in about five minutes. Like five in the morning coming home from somewhere I probably shouldn’t have been. And that was a it’s kind of one of those things. I watched the Tom Petty documentary on the Damn the torpedoes a couple years ago. And they kind of said like, if it doesn’t happen in like 10 minutes, it’s kind of not worth having. And that’s what I’ve seen with the best songs that we’ve put out is over time, and we kind of started to rebrand ourselves. And that’s the only song we got out right now. But now it’s been fun to push that and see where it goes.
Sue Bonzell
So five minutes… this is what’s called just raw straight up talent right there. Boom, done five minutes got a song.
Dane Louis
It’s something I don’t know whether it’s alcoholism or just being spontaneous. But ya know, don’t don’t take the pen off the paper and just let it go. And again, it’s been fun to do it that way.
Sue Bonzell
It’s a great song. If you guys have not downloaded yet. Go get it go watch the video. And of course, follow they lose too. Now, you talked about the rebranding, let’s talk about the hair.
Dane Louis
Okay, yeah. I grew it out about three four years ago. I used to shave my head to like a two and I had a really long beard. And then I just kind of wanted to change up the image because a lot of people were doing long beard ballcap you know, shaved head and like, in T shirts and stuff like that. And then also I noticed I was getting a little thin up top so I kind of low grow it out one more time for the road and then yeah, I just kind of stuck with it.
Sue Bonzell
So you’re putting on a great show. I mean, you like you’re having a good time onstage. I looks like it’s just you’re having a good time. Everybody in the crowd having a good time. Now you did open for Brantley Gilbert. I understand there’s a story behind how you ended up there. And it kind of started a few years ago, right?
Dane Louis
Yeah, no, that is wild. Yeah. So back when I was in like early college, I I went to Brantley Gilbert show Brantley has been one of my favorite artists since I got into country music just as a fan back years ago when I was like wow, like you can actually kind of do this rock and roll stuff with the country stuff and the next is really really well and it was one of the first bands I saw that we’re doing that you know him and along with like Jason Aldean and a couple other guys are church and so I got into Brantley big time was a huge huge fan and then I got into started playing some country songs and stuff like that some covers, uh, his over the years and I bought a meet and greet pass for one of his shows, and it was kind of a q&a. And so I went backstage and I as like a total dork. I brought in my band CD. You know, for band I was in called savers and outlaws that we’d started before I went solo. And I brought him the CD as a hey, man, like, I’d really appreciate if you could take this. And like, this is a total geek, you know, I was probably like 1718 years old. And he’s like, I was like, Do you have any advice for aspiring artists, he said, one is, you’re gonna need a lot of gas station tacos and burritos, you’re gonna be broke as hell a lot and barely have money to get to the next show. And number three is don’t ever quit. And I was like, that’s cool. And so ironically enough, four years later, we kind of got a call to open forum. And that was the most insane full circle moment and I actually talked to BG before the show and dude is exactly who you think he is as an artist. And then you know, I’ve kind of made a reputation out of like in personal interactions, telling people what I really think of certain artists and for maybe, maybe to my downfall, but no Brantley is like the most genuine individual out there and he’s exactly who you think he is and an artist so he’s, so I was talking to him before the show and I was like, Hey, man, I know you won’t remember me and like he comes up to you like what’s up brother? Like, you know, just like he’s seeing you for like two 10 years ago, and he’s like, he’s like no man he goes That’s like I met you a couple years back and this is the advice he gave me goes well hell no, I was like so it was super great day guy was I mean he’s he’s his own man like he’s he packs his own merch packages and stuff with his merch guy and like, the stuff that they lay out you know, to so you can skate through it and five minutes he sits there for an hour helping them pack it up and do is the genuine article. So that was a great day. It was better because it rained all day at the show. Like up until soundcheck. Brantley soundcheck then our friends a Ashlynn craft and her camp she played and her they did their soundcheck, everything went well. We ran up there played through and went did a throw and go did our set got off as someone on and her and her camp just got poured on. And Ashlyn is a class act too. So she grabbed a towel wiped off her mascara and as she’s just getting soaked through the towel out in the crowd, and they finished the show. They’re awesome. Parker and Tory and Noah and Andrew and the whole gang man, they’re awesome. So that was a fun day. So we had a we had a great time with that show with Brantley last summer.
Sue Bonzell
That is really cool. Now it’s you kind of have a you have a little bit of a similar sound you’ve kind of got that you know that deeper voice and stuff and you hear you do a lot of covers of like Chris Stapleton who’s your favorite like artists or band to cover?
Dane Louis
Um, one of the one of the ones I’ve always kind of had a staple of is like Jason is will song cover me up that Morgan Wallen covered? Yeah. That one’s kind of become more of a favorite for a lot of people now that Morgan cut it and they kind of got more mainstream use out of it. But now that one’s been one of my favorites to cover my band and I was like finding like weird songs to cover. So like we love the 80s rock scene. So we do like in the air tonight a lot at a live show. And we’re actually working on a Whitesnake song right now. So pick it up a little bit and make it make it kind of palatable for that audience. And it’s been fun. I love that rockier stuff. So
Sue Bonzell
I think you do a good job with that because I also saw that you did let’s see, you did a covers of Post Malone. And Olivia Rodrigo. I mean, come on.
Dane Louis
Yeah, it was kind of weird.
Sue Bonzell
I thought it was good. Yeah,
Dane Louis
thank you. You know, it’s that I remember last summer that song snaps that driver’s license on absolutely exploded and everyone in their dog was covering it. So I was like wow spirit I’ll I’ll do my mind stab at it. And then the Post Malone post I’ve heard is like the coolest guy too. He’s worked with some friends of mine at just putting on shows and that dude like just sending a writer you know some people be terrible about it and like be like, Can I get a bowl of green Skittles post like one of like, like two packs of ramen in a case of beer and a hot pocket like super chill I heard he’s like the most down to earth great guy ever so like it talented individual. They saw something yesterday he’s I think he’s got a fiance and a baby girl now or something like that. So yeah, I don’t know. But yeah, it was a that was a fun cover. I was just like I heard at windows. I want to take a stab at that.
Sue Bonzell
I think I mean, I think they sound great. I like that you’re given little little countries you know style to it. And it kind of it almost sounds like a completely different song. Yeah, because you listen and you kind of go Wait, that sounds kind of familiar. And then you go oh, no, that is I do know this.
Dane Louis
Yeah, no, that’s it’s kind of weird, but it’s the best way to do it. I mean, if you’re gonna do a shot for shot cover kind of just takes all the fun out of it anyway, right,
Sue Bonzell
right. Exactly. Well, now we have to talk about your dogs. Okay, so on your tick tock if you’re not following day lewis go ahead and follow Him now on tick tock because if you like dogs, you’re gonna love some of this content. Not only does he have the you know, all the songs and the music and the covers and all of the good things. You have your
Dane Louis
dogs Oh my god. Yeah. So actually my my my, my dog is Otis, he’s a bernese mountain dog. He’s about a year and a half old. And I left him back in Iowa when I moved to Nashville with my mom to my mom’s by herself and then she’s got a cat with the cats like 15 and the cat in the dog actually get along now but um, no Otis is he’s hilarious total frickin goofball. And then my roommates had a dog named bear and bear was the most down to earth chill stoner chill out that you’ve ever seen bear you could like take him anywhere without a leash and he’s doesn’t care so so no artist artist is fun. He’s actually he earns money because of a tick tock that blew up really? Yeah, he’s afraid of he was afraid of bridges when he’s a puppy saw that yeah, so as I was driving under these three bridges he’s like ducking thinking the bridges shadows are gonna hit everyone. It was hilarious too, because like all the activists came at me and they’re like, How dare you put your dog in such a situation where it stresses them? Like, dude, I drove him in a car. So no but Otis Yeah, he’s a good boy man. I’m just saying that was probably the hardest part.
Sue Bonzell
Cuz you You seem like you have that you got that? You know, a boy and his dog kind of relationship kind of thing and and Like you said, your your tick tock blows up with with your dog videos, right?
Dane Louis
Yeah, so now he earns money from a company that sends videos to America’s Funniest Home Videos. Oh, really? Yeah. So I think they bought they bought the partial right to that one or something I don’t even know how it works is like any shirts my dog like I don’t care. So I just signed it. I haven’t checked it in like months, but he’s made enough for a bag of dog food one point in time, so he’s pulling his own weight. Exactly,
Sue Bonzell
exactly. That’s good. Well, no. Okay, so you had talked about one in one of your videos that when it comes to working in country music, especially as you’re starting out, and you’re doing these shows, or maybe you’re opening for some big names, but you’re kind of like, Hey, I still got another job. So are you still working another job
Dane Louis
or I actually I just I’m full time country music I decided to do it in 2020 for the thought of if I can make it this year I’ll make I’ll find a way to make it any year because it was just a weird thing was kind of an identity crisis. I worked construction for a great company for about three years as a finished carpenter. So everything to do with the house like you know, I’m perfect at the honey do stuff. The drywall tile all this stuff, roofing, siding, whatever. And then 2020 hit I lost all my shows that were slated out for the summer and it was looking like we’re gonna have a really great summer. I think everybody probably right. And so then I just kind of had an identity crisis with it and decided that it you know, this is the time that I need to focus on music and actually dial in and write and figure out how to network myself since nobody can do everything, anything it kind of even the playing field, which is kind of weird. Like, I mean, even guys like Luke combs and Garth Brooks aren’t able to tour right now. Right? Yeah, all musicians were kind of in the same wheelhouse. So it was kind of a liberating thing. Me and my buddies we kind of locked ourselves in a house for a couple months and wrote and murdered my band guys now. And then we just we recorded an album ourselves, you know, we would DoorDash food and hang out and drink beer and just chill watch music. But it was honestly one of the funnest summers of my life in the sense that it was totally reclusive. And no one could go anywhere do anything, but it was a it was a good time.
Sue Bonzell
Like it’s like living a whole nother like life it is that those two years and especially that first year was like this is like something completely different. No one
Dane Louis
knew like Yeah, and it’s it’s so funny too, because I’ve noticed like in pop culture and media and everything like that or movies as they’re making TV shows and movies, they have absolutely no reference to it at all in any any world
Sue Bonzell
out. So I’m actually glad we were like, I’m done. We’re over
Dane Louis
it. Yeah, so that was kind of funny, but and that’s now releasing songs about it would be so grim that I don’t think anyone wants until
Sue Bonzell
we’re ready for like all the good things. Yeah, no, yeah. So speaking of good things, you hear you’re gonna play a song for us. You’re gonna play
Dane Louis
I’m gonna play the new single today whiskey wears off.
Sue Bonzell
He wears off Okay, so when we come back Day Lewis is gonna play his new song and we’re of course gonna play my world famous game here at up in country.
Dane Louis
Hey y’all, I’m Dane Louis. And this is my new single whiskey wears off
Sue Bonzell
all right, his new song whiskey wears off Dane Louis. That was awesome. Thank you so much.
Dane Louis
Thank you for having me. Of course. Well, I
Sue Bonzell
can’t I can’t let you leave until we play a little game. It’s my game called Truth or truth. And you’ll always win and the audience wins too, because we get to learn a little bit more about you. So you get to pick your own questions.
Dane Louis
Oh, boy. I wasn’t prepared. Probably the whole point of the game. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made? Wow, that’s we’re starting off strong. Biggest mistake you’ve ever made. Um I’ll keep it really simple. And that’s, it could go either way. It might have been the best thing I ever did. Or the worst mistake I ever made. But telling somebody to cancel a flight. Just leave it at that. Just leave
Sue Bonzell
it at that. Okay. Cancel that flight. Yeah, sometimes you just never
Dane Louis
know. Yeah, might have been a good thing might have been a bad thing. That’s kind of
Sue Bonzell
like when I go on I go on a trip and I like take the wrong turn or whatever. I’m like on autopilot. And there’s probably a reason why I’m going this way instead of the other way.
Dane Louis
I’m very very big on that. There’s not coincidences. Yeah, everything lines up the way it’s supposed to for reason. So
Sue Bonzell
alright, so cancel the flight and something. Something good. Ominous. So mysterious.
Dane Louis
What’s the most embarrassing music you listen to? Oh, this one’s easy. Cher Lloyd. Want You Back? I play that song. Like all the time. Yeah, no, it’s stupid. Like the most bubblegum pop like out there thing and I’m like, I bought to that song.
Sue Bonzell
I’m embarrassed about it. But I’m not afraid to tell you.
Dane Louis
Dude, it’s hilarious. Like someone will roll up next to me. I have like a 2020 F 250 on a lift kit. And they’ll roll up next to me at a stoplight and wants you back like no like, look at Travis tritt looking. Dude, what the hell? Yeah, no. So it’s, yeah, that’s probably the most embarrassing song. Okay.
Sue Bonzell
Fair enough. Fair enough. Okay, that’s a good answer. I like that answer. Hi.
Dane Louis
All right. Let’s see here. Which is your favorite country Chris. Chris Jansen, Chris Young Chris Ledoux. Chris Stapleton, too. That’s not fair. No rice with Ledoux and Stapleton in there. I mean, I think if Chris Jansen had a big head of drinking problem some of his like lyrics would just absolutely blow your mind but like it’s kind of like that, like artists that you know a damaged artists usually is like the best and Chris is an amazing writer and even more amazing performer So like, I don’t ever want him to have a drinking problem. But I feel like his lyrics would absolutely cut your guts out if he did. Chris Young, awesome, amazing voice. The doer Stapleton is probably I’m gonna have to I’ll land on stable Tim because I love covering Chris and the songs he’s written over the years. But Chris Ledoux is tied in there and say no matter rodeo, I’d rather listen to him than Stapleton. So
Sue Bonzell
he’s one of those. Well, both of them, you can actually just listen to over and over again. So good. Well,
Dane Louis
Chris Ledoux used to actually have a box of vinyl in the back of his pickup and go to rodeos and hand out his records after he’d ride. Like so awesome. Super cowboy. Yeah, I love that stuff.
Sue Bonzell
Yeah, he’s like the authentic cowboy. country artist. Yeah. Yeah. So
Dane Louis
no, and his son, Ned’s great nude. I got a lot of buddies that have played in that over the years. And Ned’s net holds candle do his dad pretty well, man. So yeah, so
Sue Bonzell
now we know when we know that we know the inside scoop here. Exactly. So I want to know what’s next for you what’s coming up?
Dane Louis
Yeah, we’re kind of allowing the powers that be to tell us what to do for the first time ever. And that’s been a good thing. We’re, we’re working on some bigger projects that we kind of can’t really put out there in the world yet. But we did just cut six songs for a record, whether that’s going to get proceeded on and go into a full album, or stays an EP or get really soon or work as a demo. We don’t know yet. But we have a we have some plans and some people working behind the scenes that are being really, really great to us. So we’re hoping to be able to say a lot more soon. But, ya know, there’s a lot of new music that we’ve written I’ve got about 80 songs that are ready to go for a record so that’s kind of the elimination process not a lot of people get is usually you have a litany of songs, right and you kind of wonder let down way down. But ya know, so just stay tuned. That’s all I can say before the end of the year, we’ll have some really, really good news.
Sue Bonzell
Okay. All right. Well, things are things are afoot. So make sure you’re following de Lewis on all the socials. Go download the new song. And yeah, thank you so much.
Dane Louis
Thanks so much for having me. I appreciate you.
Sue Bonzell
Thanks for watching up in country be sure to like and subscribe and leave us a comment. We do new episodes every Tuesday and be sure to follow up and country on Instagram, Tik Tok and Facebook and you can follow me to add Sue Bonzell on Instagram, Facebook and Tik Tok.
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