He is touring with Garth Brooks (again) and he has a new song out, “Hard Work Sucks.” I sat down with Mitch to talk about the tour, the new song and being a family man.
Sue Bonzell
He’s currently on tour with Garth Brooks and he’s here at our Nashville studios. Mitch Roselle. Welcome. Good to be here. I am so excited to see you in person. We got to do a virtual interview last year. And of course, once we got out here, I said, Well, we definitely got to get you in here. Yeah. And things have kind of ramped up a little bit with you. I know you had. You’ve written a lot of songs for Garth Brooks. You’ve done a song with Trisha Yearwood. And then we were going to do the interview and you said, Hey, little bit of a change. I’m going on the road with Garth. So tell me about all of that.
Mitch Rossell
Yeah, it’s a it’s been a wild summer. I’m telling you. It’s, you know, I got to I got to tour with him on the arena tour. And it was the same kind of feeling. It was like, you know, it was just kind of out of nowhere. And but I’m it’s been, it’s been incredible. So,
Sue Bonzell
I mean, I’ve seen some of your, your social media posts. You know, what I can’t imagine what does it feel like to step out on a stage in a stadium like that with, you know, 10s of 1000s of people? What is that? Like?
Mitch Rossell
Ah, it’s intimidating. But it’s, you know, it’s exhilarating. It’s kind of all the things. Yeah, it’s all the things I guess. But yeah, it’s, uh, it’s kind of it’s really hard to describe. I mean, I’ve really never felt anything that I can compare it to. I mean, it’s, it is funny, because people were like, you know, oh, man, did you get like, so crazy nervous going out in front of 70 80,000 people. And then, of course, I always get a little nervous before show always I think that’s, that’s no matter how long you do it, I think you always get a little nervous. But you know, when I did the arena tool for so long, it really helped me to learn a lot. And the end of the day, whether it’s 10,000, or 100,000, it’s just a lot of people. Nervous period, like, whether it’s 10 or a million, whatever it is. It’s just a lot of Yeah, so it’s like, you just kind of you kind of get used to your routine, and you know, always prayer for go up, find my peace and just remember that it’s, you know, as amazing as it is, you know, my family is healthy. I’m healthy. You know, I got to wake up that morning. Yeah, gotta keep it active and just go out and love people and try to try to hang out with them. Yeah, well, I
Sue Bonzell
can imagine the I mean, the amount of adrenaline to that you’ve got going and once you kind of get get going, and you get that groove once you know and and people are just, yeah, I mean, I just think it’s so cool that, you know, how did you how did Garth Brooks say, Hey, I like this guy, Mitch Roselle. Like, like, I want to, I want to be his buddy. And I want him to write some songs. And I want him to I want him to come with me. Like, how did? How did that happen?
Mitch Rossell
You know, I asked myself that every day. I’m hoping I’m hoping he doesn’t figure out how crazy is to do all this cool stuff for me. But uh, I asked myself that every day, honestly, I’m so fortunate, not only just because of obviously how huge he is as an artist, but for me bigger than that, who he is as a person. He’s just taught me a lot as a person. And I’ve just looked at him as a mentor. And, you know, even even a father figure in a lot of ways, just the time he spent just giving me advice and just always being there for me. And he’s just, he’s just the greatest dude. He’s the greatest. It’s
Sue Bonzell
so funny. I’ve done I’ve done several interviews with different people who have worked with Garth Brooks in the past. And that is consistently across the board. The response that I’ve had that people are like, damn, this guy’s the real deal. He’s he is, you know, he wants to help, which, you know, just makes you love him even more. You know, he’s already you’re right. We are ready love Garth Brooks. And then you just love him because he’s doing things like that. So, amen. So so you’re, you’re out on the road, and you’ve got a family like, how is that? How does that affect your family? And I’m assuming, you know, when I don’t know what the timeline was when you got together with your wife, where were you already a musician doing gigs? And it’s kind of like, what did she get into?
Mitch Rossell
Yeah. So she saw was, I was already doing music. I had, I had not had any hits as a writer, I had not done any sort of tours, I was playing for tips on Broadway. So which is a it’s a great place to start and and so she met me there and yeah, so she she she got in kind of at the ground level in terms of my career. And thankfully, I have an incredible wife who’s really down to earth, which is a great balance for me because I’m definitely the type a you know, I’m like, really, you know, just kind of structured and want everything this way, you know, totally totally that person. So she’s super laid back and just really, we just have a great great thing going so
Sue Bonzell
that he does great is that is it hard for you to be gone for so long? Yeah, it is.
Mitch Rossell
I mean, you know, we have three boys and there are both of our worlds and we obviously we love each other a lot too. So we miss each other. But you know, it’s kind of it can be good to you makes you miss each other, appreciate each other even more. Even our kids and you know, all of us who are parents know that there’s days where you just want
Unknown Speaker
your wife’s like, oh, he gets to go out stuck with a kid.
Mitch Rossell
Thankfully, she’s a saint she is she is so good. She’s the most amazing mom. I learned something from her every day as a parent. And so she she’s a rock star. And so, you know, but you know, it’s definitely, it works for us. You know, I, it’s challenging at times, and I hate being away. After that second or third day, you really start to miss them, you know, but, but it works. And it’s, you know, everybody understands that, you know, make a living is what got an amazing opportunity. And
Unknown Speaker
yes, and how so? Are you how old your boys? So I’ve
Mitch Rossell
got six, three and 10 months? Yeah.
Sue Bonzell
And now any? Do they have any draw interest in like, the music or singing or playing or anything like
Mitch Rossell
that? You know, nothing. Yeah, they love music. They love my songs, which has been really, really cool. And you know, gives me a lot of hope, because I’ve heard that kids are kind of the measuring stick. I’ve heard that two kids love a song. That means it’s it’s, you know, probably a mainstream, you know, received well kind of song. Oh, I gotta hit Yeah. So they literally they jam a song, several of them and I know all the words and they asked, they drove me and my wife crazy, because like, I live with my songs all the time. And I’m in the studio here and I’m a million times and then I get in the car and I’m like, Okay, we’re done with this one. I don’t ever want to hear it again. And they’re like, Daddy, play that song. I’m like,
Unknown Speaker
awesome. No, I mean, how cool is that? I shouldn’t complain. This is so cool. But they love it. And they’re not like oh, turn it on. Teenagers. Exactly what it is. They’re like, Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Mitch Rossell
You’re so old. Song given a bow. We want to hear this. Yeah, so that’s probably so get in. Well, totally, totally.
Sue Bonzell
Now, I know that you are an avid golfer. Yeah. How many different golf courses have you played like around the world?
Mitch Rossell
I’m not as many as I like. But I’ve gotten to play some cool ones for sure. Got to play Torrey Pines recently, which was awesome. Both courses worked out amazingly. And to hang out in California not too long ago, and just some really cool tracks that, you know, may not have gotten to play if it weren’t for this career. It’s been really cool. To get to do some things just just based on music. It’s been
Sue Bonzell
what’s what’s been your favorite golf course like the like the best way like, this was like the best so far.
Mitch Rossell
I would say. A place called a lotion.
Sue Bonzell
Let’s call a lotion, a lotion. The golfers will know that.
Mitch Rossell
Some it’s pretty it’s pretty kind of hidden gem
Unknown Speaker
secrets. Well, yes.
Mitch Rossell
Good luck getting in. I was very blessed to you know how to how to contact that got me to play there. But it is a it’s really good. Yeah, it’s really good. And the other place that I really love is called the honors. Okay, and it’s in. It’s actually where I’m from East Tennessee like Chattanooga area. Okay, so yeah, it’s it’s amazing to see that played out there. There’s so many good ones. Yeah, Troy was awesome. That’s so cool. I love it.
Sue Bonzell
That’s awesome. So okay, a new single out. Tell us about the new single, you know, the songwriting and what it’s about and what you got. Yeah, so
Mitch Rossell
it’s cold hard work sucks. Well, we can all we can all get on the same page there. But it’s just about like, you know, for me, I think that you know, I love an ice cold Budweiser. That’s that’s my favorite beer. There’s nothing like an ice cold just ice cold Budweiser bottle glass bottle. Okay, but the only thing better than an ice cold glass bottle. Budweiser is an ice cold glass water glass bottle Budweiser after I just worked my ass off. It just just hit you a little bit.
Sue Bonzell
That’s right. So a little bit. Just tastes better after you’ve been like working and you’re sweating and it’s hot. And you’re like, Yeah, beer sounds good. Right about now.
Mitch Rossell
Yes. It has a different level. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Sue Bonzell
I know. I know. I know exactly what you mean. Okay, all right. Well, you know, you can’t go wrong with a song about beer. That’s right. I mean, it’s country music. Yeah. Well, are you would you like to play a song? Yeah. All right. When we come back, Mitch Roselle is going to play his latest song.
Mitch Rossell
My name is Metro Sal and this song is called hard work sucks.
Unknown Speaker
He’d be driving them day it was driving them trucks hauling them Bay stacking them up to the sun goes down or till it comes back around. If you sat on them boots are selling them cars or paying your dues, playing guitar to close into downtime, then you know what I’m talking about. I bought these beer and turn it up it just ran down fiddled all day long way too much stress and no damn sleep at it hard being hidden is harder than ever. That hard work makes beer taste better
Unknown Speaker
if you sweating in ties are sweating in scrubs saving them labs are facing some to earn that cash you may love but you can use break if you find them fired bad name crowns are fattened for free crossing the lines you damn sure earned your pay. Yeah, you deserve hard work so the body’s just ran down all day long way too much stress and no damn sleep It is
Unknown Speaker
harder than ever. But hard work makes beer taste better
Unknown Speaker
yeah, hard work sucks. But you know what I bought my house and evolved my truck and they buy me more RAM
Unknown Speaker
all day long way too much stress and no name so even it’s been harder than ever. But hard work makes beer tastes better makes beer
Sue Bonzell
all right, minstrels, ELLs new song hard work sucks. Okay, that is so much fun. That’s one of those songs I think is going to be like a crowd pleaser. Everybody’s going to be singing along. Yeah.
Mitch Rossell
So we’ve played it out on the tour. I guess I played five shows now. And I’ve closed with that all except for one. And it’s been a great response.
Sue Bonzell
Oh, I bet that I think everybody can get on board with Yeah. And you’re and you’re talking about everybody who’s got that job. Yeah, I
Mitch Rossell
mean, anybody and we you know, the song is not just it’s not just for blue collar, you know exactly where everybody you know, because we all work hard in different ways. And I think we can all relate to that feeling of just where even if it’s not beer, even if it’s a glass one if it’s tequila, jagged cut, whatever it is. The point is, point is it just hits a little harder when you just have
Sue Bonzell
to say it’s better, better. Well, okay, before I let you go, we got to play a little game that we do here at the upland country Studios here in Nashville. It’s called Truth or truth. Oh, great. Everybody wins is no competition is just a matter of answering some fun questions that we put together. So you get to pick your own question.
Mitch Rossell
Oh, come on, Mitch. Don’t screw this up. Let’s see here. Have you ever been fired from a job?
Unknown Speaker
Speaking of work, I mean,
Mitch Rossell
ever been fired from a job? I think I think I’ve been politely kind of like you know what I mean? Like right suggested we’re not gonna not the right spot for me maybe okay. I don’t think I’ve ever been full on fired though. No,
Unknown Speaker
yeah, he’s he’s too good. He’s too good. You’re like you said the Type A personality
Mitch Rossell
I was the guy like the high school call whatever. I was mischievious and got into it. Like I street raised I did all this stuff, but no one knew. Oh, yeah. Like I won, I won like, you know, awards at school straight A’s all that and then at night, I was like, breaking into the high school. Basketball, you know, just being an idiot, you know, just being me, but I was I was, I was good at it didn’t leave any tracks. out about these things. Well later, like street racing, they didn’t until later until later. Even like, you are never driving again.
Unknown Speaker
think yeah, my car’s gone and you’re gonna be chained to the bed yes, you’re
Mitch Rossell
not leaving. Yeah, I was I had my crazy crazy moments but
Sue Bonzell
that okay that’s that’s some information that yeah we probably didn’t know
Mitch Rossell
out there and Cedric Mr. Street let’s see what is one thing you would say in in London our for Garth Brooks
concert Yeah, exactly I don’t know for me but I would say in LA now for
Sue Bonzell
Garth dead? Yes, definitely. Definitely a few others too. I’m not a big standing in line kind of person but
Mitch Rossell
fits this on Einstein and love
Unknown Speaker
fan. Portable fan. Mr. Yeah, those. Those are smart.
Mitch Rossell
Alright, let’s see here. Okay, have you ever read gifted a president? What was it? I know I have. I’m trying to think of what what it would have been like that commercial where the dad gets the daughter the gas card. Remember? The electric vehicle? Oh, yeah. So she gets she gets it back to him later on. Um, gosh, top my head and I’m trying to think of something.
Unknown Speaker
But you definitely done it.
Mitch Rossell
I know. I’ve done it. Yeah.
Sue Bonzell
Have you ever? Have you ever gotten a gift that was re gifted that you knew was gifted?
Mitch Rossell
No. Yeah. You didn’t know. No, I didn’t know. But I’m sure I’ve gotten something very gifted. I feel like I feel like there was one time where maybe we read gifted, like a set of plates or something. Because we got the same two sets, right. There’s a lot of stuff. So it wasn’t like too awful. Right? Well, I
Sue Bonzell
mean, usually if you read gift, it’s usually pretty good. Yeah, it’s gonna be a good gift. Yeah, we give something that’s crappy, right? Maybe it’s like, giving it to you, right? Oh, no.
Mitch Rossell
So the boss needs a gift. I got the perfect gift. Honey, where’s that thing that I hate? Yeah, I got two years ago from our cousin. We don’t need any. We’ve been waiting for this moment. That’s perfect. So yeah, maybe. Maybe that’s the time that might be
Sue Bonzell
it might be Yeah. Well, Mitch, I want to thank you so much for coming out. Playing for us today. And you guys can catch Mitch Roselle. Go get his music on all the platforms is new song hard work sucks. And of course, go see a Garth Brooks concert and you can see this guy to throw this right there.
Mitch Rossell
Love it. Awesome. Grab me. I really appreciate it. You bet.
Sue Bonzell
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