Patriotic as Hell & Dedicated to Country Music – Meet Payton Howie
Payton Howie got a softball scholarship in college but then had to choose between softball and music. Needless to say, she finished her schooling online and decided to rock out instead. She even missed her college graduation to perform a show at AT&T Stadium and she is now leading a new generation of America-loving patriotic redneck women!
Sue Bonzell 00:00
You recently opened up for clay Walker and she’s about as patriotic as they come Payton Howie is here. Welcome Payton.
Payton Howie 00:06
Thanks for having me.
Sue Bonzell 00:07
I’m so glad you’re here we have a lot to talk about. I want to talk about this this Patriot thing. Your your music is pretty. I was calling you like kind of like badass country. You’re like one of those one of those girls kind of that Gretchen Wilson, but you you slant towards that patriotic and you got a new song about that too. So tell me about that.
Payton Howie 00:27
Yeah, so we got a new song coming out June 24. It’s coming out the weekend before Fourth of July. So you know, for all the playlists out there. You know, we gotta get that on your you’ve summertime Fourth of July playlists thrown in there when you’re driving your boat down the lake and you got the big flag waving out the back picture perfect right there. But song’s called keeper breathing. And it’s a personification of America talking about keep America breathing. The hook is I’ll fight to my last breath to keep her breathing, you know, talking about America and the values that the country was built on. You know,
Sue Bonzell 01:06
I love that. And now you have another song freedom that I love the video for that one. I was loving all the trucks. Yeah, the trucks are pretty cool. And the truck that you got to drive to was pretty cool. That’s my truck. That’s your truck
Payton Howie 01:16
as much and I was getting the black one that I drove in the line of trucks. Yes, that was my truck. That like that was cool. It’s actually my my guitar players truck. Oh, no kidding. Yeah, it was really crazy story because I ended up getting that truck from a friend of a friend. And then turns out, I had my guitar player come and he was no playing in my band. And I was like, that’s your truck? Because that’s you in that video. Moment. But
Sue Bonzell 01:44
yeah, that is so cool. So I love I love what you’re doing. In one of the songs that where I first found you was country before me. Tell us about that song because that’s an incredible song too. I love that because you are really, you know, paying tribute to those who have come before you as artists in country music. Yeah, I
Payton Howie 02:03
think it’s really important to look at the people that came before you because women like Loretta Lynn, and Reba and Dolly Parton, like if they didn’t go out and do what they did for the industry of country music, or just the music industry in general. Like they didn’t go out and make a name for themselves as not, you know, comedians are not just, you know, influencers. They’re, they’re musicians, they’re artists and like, like, you look back and look at the stories like Loretta Lynn, she had, I think it was 17 of her songs banned from country radio, because of how controversial she was. And she and you look at her and she’s just like, she just all woman and like, I think that’s an amazing thing to think about is just, she just kept doing what she wanted. She wasn’t writing for radio, she was writing for just what she felt. And for women that felt the same thing.
Sue Bonzell 02:56
Ya know, I love that. And like you said, especially women and country, and it’s, you know, you all have come a long way in country music. So it’s nice to see more of young people like yourself coming up in country music. So tell me about growing up. Where did you grow up? What was kind of your country influences as you were a kid?
Payton Howie 03:17
Yeah, so I actually I was born and raised in Southern California, about an hour north of San Diego. So like wine, country, Temecula. And there is you know, I would say for anyone that knows Old Town, Temecula has a just, it’s an amazing group of seasoned musicians that they you know, they’re playing all the time. And they come from all different backgrounds, rock, blues, jazz, and I was one of the only people out there playing country music, like in that scene, and I was like, the youngest by far. So I just be sitting there, what not like 1415 teach myself play guitar, and they’re like, You should play this song. And you should play that song. And I was like, Yeah, let’s do it. You know. And I mean, they were just teaching me everything that I could ever need to know or want to know about. Being an artist, not just a performer or musician, but being an artist and taking songs, making them your own and then finding your own sound. And that’s kind of how I got my start. And since I was young, I would always be hanging out around them. And so they nicknamed me Youngblood. Okay, and so that’s where the name from my EP came from, was that nickname?
Sue Bonzell 04:25
There you go. Oh, that’s perfect. I love it. So now. Okay, so you kind of started in the country music and went went to college, where do you go to college and what was your major?
Payton Howie 04:36
So I graduated high school with a scholarship to play softball in Colorado. And I was out there my freshman year still doing music. So I was doing school full time, softball, full time and music. And I was not complaining one bit because there’s everything I could ever want, you know, because I was living with my friends part time and then I fly back play Some shows and then I’d get go play softball during the week like that was, couldn’t ask for much more. But it got to a point where I kind of had to choose between playing softball or doing music, because it just kind of both of them were, it was a lot of commitment for both, obviously. And it was Division two. So it’s not like, it’s like just a step below division one where you’re like, eat, sleep, breathe, right. Everything’s softball, and then music. Obviously, it’s a very, like demanding thing. You know, you’re creating songs, you’re writing songs and producing them and playing shows and touring. And it’s became a lot. So I had to choose between the two, I chose music, and I switched all my courses online, and just actually graduated with my degree in Communication and Marketing in May.
Sue Bonzell 05:46
So May and now I understand that you had to make a very big choice. When it was coming time to graduate and accept the diploma on the stage or go play a big stadium show. I think he made the right choice. Tell us about it.
Payton Howie 06:02
That was really crazy. And it was kind of a weird way that it happened where the the festival we had, you know, the guy hit me and he’s like, Hey, like, you know, I want you to play this festival. And I, you know, my band, we were all hyped about it. And then it came time and I was like, awesome, we’re gonna do this thing. And then I got to when I graduated, you know, I finished my courses. My, my counselor was like, Hey, so, you know, we have the commencement ceremony. You’re gonna come and walk and you’re gonna get your diploma and I’m like, oh, cool, what day and he’s on May 7, and I’m like, I’m gonna be in Dallas, Texas that day, so not gonna happen. And they’re like, Alright, what’s your mailing address? And I was like,
Sue Bonzell 06:41
Well, yes, I’m getting in the mail. All right. Well, right. Yeah. I think that was the right choice.
Payton Howie 06:47
I need to because I’ve been both are like once in a lifetime opportunities, but I, I don’t know that just so that one’s more fun, right?
Sue Bonzell 06:55
Yeah. Well, you could always like fake it at home, like have your family and friends come over, set up a little stage and be like, okay, yeah, put on your put on your cap and gown and be like, Okay, I’m graduating now,
Payton Howie 07:05
because I graduated high school. I knew what that was like, I don’t need to do it all during college, you know? Yeah, it’s,
Sue Bonzell 07:10
it’s just a college degree. No big deal. Big deal. Now, I watched a lot of your tiktoks and your social media so if you don’t already follow Payton Howie go follow her right now. Now, so I noticed there’s a little bit of a trend. You’ll you like the Cowboys? She says she’s looking for you? Are you single now? Are you?
Payton Howie 07:32
Well, yeah, but at the same time, I’m married to the music man. Like I can’t I can’t lie. It’s it’s a demanding thing. And I mean, sometimes I feel kind of guilty because I’ll get these guys will be like, Oh, let me take you out. Like, you know, I don’t really like you. And I it’s not that I’m I don’t want to go out you know, it’s just more like I’ve just sometimes I sometimes have to just turn that part of my brain just like off because I’m like, Alright, music you know, we’re focusing on this and it’s like, I don’t know sometimes I feel bad because I’m just always like traveling and I’m playing in like, you know, honky tonks or whatever and like venues and I’m just always go, go, go. And that’s, I would say, you could if you wanted to go and survey all of my ex boyfriends, and they would probably all tell you Yeah, she’s just too busy. Yeah, yeah. And I feel bad because it’s not like too busy for them. But it’s just
Sue Bonzell 08:23
what you’re focused on what you need to be focused on right now. Which is the most important thing for you. So nothing wrong with that. And of course, you know, you got to find the right dude. That’s like yep, I’m totally on board with helping you do all the all the things and support you and no and knows exactly that. That’s what you do.
Payton Howie 08:39
See that? That would be nice. In a perfect world in a perfect world. World. Yeah.
Sue Bonzell 08:43
Yeah, they go I talked to somebody else. And they were like, well, yeah, they had you know, husbands and wives and things like that. And they were like, Yeah, you kind of have to realize that this is it. Like it’s not gonna change. So don’t Don’t be jumping in thinking you’re gonna change change, you know, change you so? Well, I’m excited that you’re here. Will you play a song for us? Of course Okay, great. When we come back, Payton Howie is gonna play a song.
Payton Howie 09:08
Hey, guys, my name is Payton Howie and the song was called break my own heart. It was off my Youngblood EP and you can check it out here we go the J and J have put the drink too much and wasted. I’m seeing them taking uncomplicated walking contradiction. I gotta make this love for the live. Um, well, but I will end up seeing so much that I’m forgiving. and drink in wisdom. Drowning in the meat that could have been chewed up here again same old story same old Vaughn love the fallen apart need you boy lacking break my heart open but I’m guarded it was over before it started I’m far from being sabe can notice a warm up part so keep drinking whiskey and drown in in the misery KHUDOBIN showed up here again same old story same old fun and love divine and that’ll need you boy lacking break whiskey Chernin in the mystery. The Kuta beach drinking whiskey been shut up and up here again same old story same old fun and love define I don’t need you boy. No, I don’t need you because I can break my own heart
Sue Bonzell 12:00
all right, Payton Howie break my own heart. Amazing. Yeah, you rocked it, girl. I’m loving this. Okay, so if you’re not already following her, go follow her on socials. Download the songs. Go to Spotify. Go to Apple Music Go Go get them. Go get them now. Peyton Howie? Are you ready to play a game now? Fire? Yes. Okay, so ready? All right. This is the world famous up and country game called Truth or truth? You get to pick your own question.
Payton Howie 12:27
I’m here for this. What was this when I was a kid? I open it. Oh, yeah, you can read it out loud. Alright, if you could be invisible, what’s the first thing you would do? Oh.
Sue Bonzell 12:44
You’re gonna spy on anybody or mess with somebody? Or?
Payton Howie 12:47
Honestly, yeah, I probably mess with somebody just kind of, I’m gonna say this in a way that like, it’s just pretty straightforward. I mess with my brother. Okay. He’s kind of like, and he’s like, No, he’s not literally OCD. But he’s almost, he’s one of the most organized people I know. And I’m being an artist. I’m like, spaghetti brain. And he’s not. He’s like waffle brain. You know what I’m saying? So I would go in and mess it and I just move things around in his room. Oh, things are out and he’s so pissed. he lose
Sue Bonzell 13:16
his mind. Absolutely. That’s what I would do. That would be fun. I’d like that. And how was he growing up as a brother? Thank you. Was he is he older? Younger? He’s older. He’s older. Yeah. Did he like beat you up a little bit? No,
Payton Howie 13:27
I actually beat everybody else. That was ever mean to him. He’s like my best friend. So I
Sue Bonzell 13:33
love that. Okay, good. Well, good. All right. What? That would be kind of fun. Like, yeah, that’d be fun. I do that sometimes. It’s I feel like something’s moved. And I’m like, right, that would totally, totally mess with them. All right. Okay.
Payton Howie 13:49
Okay, what gross smell do you actually enjoy? It’s a good one. Gasoline.
Sue Bonzell 13:55
I’m kind of with you on
Payton Howie 13:57
gasoline. Yes. It’s not that great of a smell. But like, it always kind of reminds you of like, you’re going fast somewhere, you know? Yeah. Like you whether it’s on the jet skis, you know? Or like you’re in a boat or something like that. Gasoline.
Sue Bonzell 14:11
Gasoline all the way. Yeah. Okay. That’s a good one. That’s a good one. I would have to totally agree with you on that one. Yeah, not see. I don’t think it’s weird. So
Payton Howie 14:19
I don’t think it’s weird, but some people I mean, it doesn’t smell good.
Sue Bonzell 14:22
Right? You get a little cologne. Gasoline.
Payton Howie 14:26
Oh, no, no. Have you ever had a run in with a wall? Should I answer them? Um,
Sue Bonzell 14:35
you can tell as much or as little as you’d like.
Payton Howie 14:40
I personally have never had a run in with the law. Okay, but I’ve been with I’ve been in relationships with a couple of law breakers. Oh, there you go. So I feel like that kind of ties me in there. And I’ve been in I’ve been in a couple situations once or twice where I had to kind of like, you know, make mistakes but anyway, Okay, that’s all I’m gonna say. I’m not gonna go into depth on that one. We’re
Sue Bonzell 15:03
gonna reveal we’re not gonna Yeah, exactly.
Payton Howie 15:05
Hey, I don’t want anyone else getting arrested because something I said.
Sue Bonzell 15:09
So, where you kind of like
Payton Howie 15:11
a like an accomplice? Absolutely. There you go.
Sue Bonzell 15:15
There you go. So when you were younger, did you get in trouble a little bit? Um, let me like from your parents, you know what I mean? Like, you know getting well my parents did you just get caught?
Payton Howie 15:23
Well, honestly, I wasn’t a bad kid. I was just like, this is just kind of how I do. And I would say, growing up, I was allowed to be more just like creative and just kind of do my thing. But when I got into high school, like when I was 16, I got my first tattoo. And I was on the worship team at my school and I actually got kicked off because I didn’t know we were supposed to grill show tattoos. Granted, I just would wear jackets all the time. But you know,
Sue Bonzell 15:51
she’s kind of breaking breaking the rules just a little bit. That bad. It’s
Payton Howie 15:55
the mean it’s not awful. And what does it say? It says, reckless love
Sue Bonzell 15:59
reckless love and what is what was the meaning for
Payton Howie 16:01
worship song is my favorite worship songs in high school. And so you know, fun fact, if you go out to Colorado, there’s no tattoo age. It’s up to the artists themselves. So you can be however old you want to tattoo Colorado.
Sue Bonzell 16:15
A little advance little advice from Payton Howie for those that are under age and want to solve their parents. Oh my god. Well, thank you so much for being here, Payton. It’s been great to see you. Thank you for playing and we’re definitely going to be following you. And like I said, if you haven’t already followed her on socials, Payton, how we and go download the music too. So thank you again. Thanks for having me. Thanks for watching Up N Country be sure to like and subscribe and leave us a comment. We do new episodes every Tuesday and be sure to follow Up N Country on Instagram, Tik Tok and Facebook and you can follow me to add Sue Bonzell on Instagram, Facebook and Tik Tok.
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