Taryn Papa – Appearing on the “Pandemic” Season 19 of The Voice

She was a contestant on The Voice season 19 on Team Blake, making it to the Top 17! She tells us about her experience on the voice which was the season conducted during 2020 of the pandemic. Taryn is also the co-host of Today in Nashville on TV. We talk about her latest song No One’s Gonna Love You Like I Do and how she started out performing country-rock songs in a teen band, her comfort foods and her pending nuptials and honeymoon destination.

Sue Bonzell  

She has been on the voice and she has a brand new song to share with us today. Taryn? Papa is here. Welcome, Taryn,


Taryn Papa  

thank you so much for having me.


Sue Bonzell  

Okay, we got to talk about the voice. Now you were on season 19, which was during 2020, which was the pandemic, tell us about that experience, I had to be a little bit different.


Taryn Papa  

It was a really different experience. Everything was digital, we didn’t have an audience. So my audition was just me and the coaches and the band on stage. Whenever we would have rehearsals with our coach, he was on an iPad, and he would say like, why to go serious. And it was just totally different kind of singing just for the celebrities, which made it more vulnerable. Yeah, I would say instead of having like an audience to look around at I’m like, well, there’s three extremely amazing, you know, singers in front of me and so


Sue Bonzell  

so it’s different. And I watched that in seeing your mom on like, like, you know, remotely watching and her response to seeing Blake shared her around, I was like, I’m gonna cry right now. Like, that was so amazing.


Taryn Papa  

She was definitely a fan favorite jumping up and down in her shoe. And so the behind the screen initially, we were supposed to have where the coaches were, there was a digital screen. And that’s where they were gonna have all the audience members like the digital. Oh, right. Yeah, virtual audience members. And my mom’s like, I’m gonna wear a lime green card again, because I want to make sure that you see me so you know, you feel like you have somebody to look at. Well, they didn’t have the screen working on the first day. So I didn’t get to see her. But afterwards, I saw her reaction. And it was awesome. And I think we were both just so thankful. We just wanted one chair to turn we didn’t expect Yeah, three and a block and all the great things that came from it. So


Sue Bonzell  

So tell me about working with Blake Shelton. I just absolutely love that guy. Like, is he all the things that you see? Like on TV?


Taryn Papa  

No, it was so like I said, the pandemic really, really made it difficult. We didn’t get as much experience or, you know, time with them at all. So our band rehearsals, you know, he would join in occasionally on an iPad when we got to the live rounds. And we didn’t really have we didn’t have those moments. But


Sue Bonzell  

I think you need like a do over they need to at least say look, everybody needs to come back at least have like a meet and greet or something. Like be fair.


Taryn Papa  

I know. Or take us to Disney out there anyway,


Sue Bonzell  

anything. Something something would be nice.


Taryn Papa  

We kind of got gypped but it was good. It was a good season because there were so many viewers, I think there was more than they expected and more than previous years. So that made it worth it.


Sue Bonzell  

Everybody was sitting at home doing their puzzle, like well, well watch the boys stocking up


Taryn Papa  

on toilet paper voting for Terron. I’ll take it. Okay, that works.


Sue Bonzell  

That works. So new song out right now. It’s kind of it’s a duet. Tell us about song. Yes,


Taryn Papa  

it’s called No one’s gonna love you like I do. And it’s with Zack Dyer. And I’m so excited. It’s finally out in the world. We recorded it in June or July. So it’s good to get it out there finally, and finish the EP project. And all of the songs on this project are about my fiance who I brought with me today to play the guitar. So this is going to be like his debut. Yay, kind of a couch player. And so this is exciting for him. I’m excited. But um, yeah, it’s awesome. And we’re hopefully we got a lot of good stuff in the works with it. So stay tuned, everybody. So


Sue Bonzell  

it’s all it’s all about love. It’s all about the love. So now when are you getting married?


Taryn Papa  

Ah, march 11. Oh,


Sue Bonzell  

are you so excited?


Taryn Papa  

I am really excited. Honestly, it took a while to get into the exciting phase because as an artist, I sing it a million weddings a year and I’m like, oh, man, you know, everybody’s gonna have dry chicken and they’re all gonna wear the similar thing. And like, you know, you’re seeing the same Earth Wind and Fire songs. And I was like, I mean, I’m excited about what’s happening, of course, but we’re getting married on a yacht. I haven’t told anybody this so yeah. All


Sue Bonzell  

right. We’re getting the exclusive right now.


Taryn Papa  

Everybody, this is crazy. We’re getting married on a yacht in Florida. So it’s gonna be totally different and something new and fresh. And I’m excited for that. So


Sue Bonzell  

that’s exciting. So any plans for the honeymoon? Not Yeah, I don’t really know. Okay. All right. Maybe take a roll. Yeah, a little further. Maybe just keep going. Yeah, everybody. Bye. Good idea. You know, you’re already there. Oh, just take it out. Okay. Maybe a toy one on Amazon. Yeah, well, let’s talk about you starting out in music as a kid now when you were was that a teenager? You kind of had your own band doing some Pat Benatar and that type of stuff. Tell us about your your musical journey from a child to where you are now. Sure.


Taryn Papa  

So my grandfather was one of my first influences. He used to play the piano and he wasn’t really he was a head surgeon of a hospital. So music was kind of like his hobby. And he taught me everything he knew about piano just playing by ear. And through that I graduated to my uncle was one of my guitar players and my band was called No excuses. And we played all around Connecticut. And we did Gwen Stefani, Kelly Clarkson, Pat Benatar, Joan Jett, I loved all of it. And I really got a feel for being on stage and for entertaining. And my mom said to me, she said, you know, everybody’s here to watch you do well, and we all want to have fun. And it changed my perspective from being like the super nervous girl who wanted to like hide from the light to me, like, I’m responsible for everybody having fun. Like, I gotta step it up a notch, you know, so I really loved creating a setlist and booking myself everywhere and meeting new people. And it led me to Nashville.


Sue Bonzell  

And so you’ve played a lot like downtown Broadway, like that’s like, like putting in the dues. Right? Tell me about some of your experiences down on Broadway.


Taryn Papa  

Yeah, I’ve been on Broadway for 10 years, which is, it’s a ten year town.


Sue Bonzell  

It is a ten year town.


Taryn Papa  

That’s true. 10 years, I’m waiting to definitely cash in on my 10 years and take it to a bigger stage. But Broadway has been awesome for me, especially with testing out my original songs and my own music, just getting fan feedback and how certain songs are working and how they’re not. And why should I Twain’s I mean, obviously, it’s Shanaya. But was it the melody? Is it the tempo? Just you kind of get to experiment a little bit and meet new fans? And so that’s what Broadway has been for me. Yeah.


Sue Bonzell  

So I love that where you’re, you’re actually having that experience of connection with the fans. And you have another way that you connect with fans. Nashville today in Nashville. You’re a co host on television. Yeah. She’s, she’s a host as well. So tell me about that whole experience. Sure. So


Taryn Papa  

it started out with the voice season 22 I’ve been interviewing a lot of this past season’s contestants and getting to know them and it’s kind of fun because as an artist, I can ask questions that you know, a typical not paid or just a post that doesn’t sing wouldn’t think to ask maybe it’s been really fun to be like how’s the food at the kitchen like I know what you’re eating. It’s kind of fun to to dive in a little bit with them and then continuing just kind of fell into place. And we’re having so much fun and talking about Carol loves to feed me for like snacks with caramel in them


Sue Bonzell  

and they’re just all over my teeth and perfect for when you’re ready for an interview. I’m


Taryn Papa  

really like a test rabbit and they zoom in and I’m like awesome. You know, you never cut to me until I have like peanuts coming out of my mouth. So it’s been really fun and learning new stuff about myself and in this industry. So


Sue Bonzell  

that is fantastic. Well, great connections as well. And a good exposure for you sir, for more people to know who you are. So are you ready to maybe play a game? Maybe playing music? I’m ready. Something like that. I


Taryn Papa  

would love to do both. Okay,


Sue Bonzell  

great. Well, good thing. Good thing because I’ve got her here. She’s captain. When we come back, we’re gonna play truth or truth. And if you want to see Tara and Papa play her latest song, you can click on the link in the description. It’s truth or truth. Alright, it’s time for my world famous game truth or truth with Taryn. Papa. Are you ready to play to the truth? Okay. We have one order of business to take care of today. She said she was game for this. We’re going to start with a little truth serum. Oh, I like that. Will you hold that for me? Oh, yes.


Taryn Papa  



Sue Bonzell  

we can. Yeah, we can choose to we’re going to do that too. We got a little tequila. I am not paid for this sponsorship. But I shouldn’t be. shouldn’t be because let me tell you we’ve been drinking this here we go. Oh, you really trust me? I do. Yeah. Oh, it’s ductility because you’re gonna have that? Very well. Cheers. Cheers serum for truth or truth. Cheers, everybody. Are we doing the whole thing? You can do whatever you want. Okay.


Taryn Papa  

Fantastic. Oh, I’m so happy. Let’s see. I told you. She was worried about the space home. Oh my gosh, so truth


Sue Bonzell  

serum is not yummy. Yeah. Get some very go. Okay. Okay. We’ll get a sponsorship yet. Oh, yeah. All right. You get to pick your questions. We’re gonna pick three questions one at a time. Pick out the question. Read it out loud and you get to answer


Taryn Papa  

Oh, gosh. What’s the most childish thing you still do? Is eat mac and cheese a good answer?


Sue Bonzell  

Yeah, that’s a good answer. I


Taryn Papa  

love cheese. Um, yeah, that’s probably my new do you make it like straight the straight leg crafts or do you like the spiral wrap the whole day? Okay.


Sue Bonzell  

Do you add anything to it? Anything? No,


Taryn Papa  

no, just milk. Or even add butter? I think you’re supposed to add butter. Oh, yeah. It’s like comfort food is comfort food.


Sue Bonzell  

Do you eat the whole box? By yourself?


Taryn Papa  

I used to and now I live. And I only make it when my fiance’s at home because he’s like healthy eater. And I’m like, Oh, good. He’s not home. Like shoveling it in on the couch. man. You


Sue Bonzell  

gotta burn the box. Who doesn’t know Right? Like nothing. You never know. Nobody would care but I’m


Taryn Papa  

just like, you know still kiddie ish.


Sue Bonzell  

Well, how often how often do you have the body yesterday? Say there we go the truth comes out


Taryn Papa  

yesterday least they’re not shapes their spiral you


Sue Bonzell  

can do Oh, yeah, it was like the dinosaur shapes or whatever that Yeah, can’t be worse. You got the spirals? Yeah. Okay, now we know the secret for like they hold the most cheese. Is that okay, that’s gonna be I really do. I think that should be on your writer for all of your shows. Absolutely. Gonna put it on the right are now. Closing my eyes What’s your guilty pleasure? Besides the mac and cheese?


Taryn Papa  

I know. I was gonna go for food again, too. I


Sue Bonzell  

love you can do still new food.


Taryn Papa  

I love Chinese food. Yeah. My guilty pleasure steamed dumplings into egg rolls. I don’t know. Yeah. The dump the dumplings to do the dumplings.


Sue Bonzell  

Do you? Do you burn your mouth every


Taryn Papa  

single time? Oh, yeah. So I like kind of with my fork. So it has. It’s like kind of in half and has time to like, give you a facial in the meantime and then you finish it. You get that little the little bamboo bucket thing. Yeah, that’s like it is like a facial. That would be it. I also love Harry Potter movies. That would probably be a guilty pleasure. Okay, there we go. My Harry Potter girl.


Sue Bonzell  

We get the we get that they get the little. Yeah, the little steamed buns. And then you get the Harry Potter and it’s like a night and my dumplings. And we just determined what she’s gonna do for the honeymoon. Right here.


Taryn Papa  

Oh, yeah. Folks, yeah, we have a Disney Moon kind of plan like Brett’s never been to Disney. So we’re gonna go for one of the days while we’re in Florida, but other than that we don’t have a honeymoon yet. Okay, well, that would be Harry Potter might be. We’ll bring this and


Sue Bonzell  

there might there might be some tequila involved, folks. I don’t know. Well, um, but we’re done. Do you want to do another one?


Taryn Papa  

Maybe. We have time. We don’t have any rules. Oh, see? This is a good way. There we go. Who did you see at your first concert? Britney Spears was my first concert. Kidding. Yes. My dad took me and BB Mac open for her. And then my dad bought me an ice cream. One of those like crunch bar ice cream outs never forget, it was like a memory. And I was 13 years old and my first concert anyway


Sue Bonzell  

with your dad. What did your dad think about it? I probably loved it. I


Taryn Papa  

mean, let’s be honest. Britney Spears. Yeah, she is very entertaining and outfits and everything. Yeah, it was like very family friendly. So have you


Sue Bonzell  

seen her since I have? No. Would you go back? Well, if she was.


Taryn Papa  

Maybe Yeah, I would go back and be like, nostalgic. I feel. I didn’t see Backstreet Boys. That was like,


Sue Bonzell  

okay, there you go. That’s nostalgic, too. Yeah,


Taryn Papa  

they can’t move the way they used. Let’s be honest, but they were great. But they were still good. Yeah, they were huffing and puffing a little bit. That’s right. I feel like I would be the same. No, hang on.


Sue Bonzell  

Yeah. Okay. Yeah, we’re all we’re all just hanging on. We got it here. Got it. Well, thank you so much for playing truth or truth and being part of our interview today. Everybody just follow Taryn Papa and you’ll find her amazing music. So thank you very much. Thanks


Taryn Papa  

for having me.


Sue Bonzell  

Thanks for watching up in country be sure to like and subscribe and leave us a comment. We do new episodes every Tuesday and be sure to follow up in country on Instagram, Tik Tok and Facebook and you can follow me to add Sue Bonzell on Instagram, Facebook and Tik Tok.